Home 9 Research 9 Gender and Development 9 UN Women‐Supported Project ‘Programme on Women’s Political, Social and Economic Empowerment

UN Women‐Supported Project ‘Programme on Women’s Political, Social and Economic Empowerment

Principal Researchers:
Dr. Preet Rustagi, Dr. Sunil Kr. Mishra

Theme: Gender and Development
Sponsors: Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN)

Aims & Objectives: The end‐term survey captured the changes and transformations during the four year period of Pradan and Jagori’s interventions under the Gender Equality Centered SHG (Self Help Group) Program towards enhancing gender equality and enabling women’s empowerment in the social, economic and political domains. The basic objectives of the study were to understand patriarchy and initiate change, enhance women’s political participation and encourage their agency.

Methodology: Five districts (out of a total of nine) were randomly selected in four states, Hazaribagh in Jharkhand, Betul (Kesla) and Dindori in Madhya Pradesh, Mayurbhanj in Odishaand Purulia in West Bengal. The baseline covered 1257 households and the end‐line covered 1500 households. Both quantitative and qualitative surveys were adopted for evaluation.

Findings: The primary findings of this study:

  • Gradual progress was observed in pursuing education, visiting health centers and promoting awareness about contraception and other reproductive rights across generations;
  • The majority of the women (more than in the baseline) reported that men were sharing in household work;
  • Women had more access to earnings through livelihood enhancing or augmenting technologies that were introduced periodically;
  • The SHG membership reduced the dependence on informal and other exploitative channels of credit and enhanced the credit‐worthiness of women;
  • More women (compared to the baseline finding) voted in the end‐line survey and attended the Gram Sabhas and participated in the deliberations.

Prof. Alakh N. Sharma

Prof. Ravi S. Srivastava
Professor and Director
Centre for Employment Studies

Dr. G.C. Manna

Dr. Sandeep Sarkar

Dr. I.C. Awasthi

Dr. Balwant Singh Mehta

Ms. Swati Dutta
Associate Fellow

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Editors: Dev Nathan, Meenu Tewari and Sandip Sarkar
Published: 2017 by Cambridge University Press India and IHD

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By Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa & Maria Cristina Cacciamali & Gerry Rodgers
Published: 2017 by  Cambridge University Press India

Employment, Social Protection, and Inclusive Growth in South Asia
Edited by: Dev Nathan and Akhilesh K. Sharma, Foreword by: Alakh N. Sharma
Published: 2017 by  South Asia Press

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By Ajit Ghose
Published: 2016 by Oxford University Press and IHD

India Labour and Employment Report 2014
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