Home 9 Research 9 Gender and Development 9 Violence Against Women in Private Realms in India: A Study in Rural Areas of Four Selected State

Violence Against Women in Private Realms in India: A Study in Rural Areas of Four Selected State

Principal Researchers:
Prof. Dev Nathan and Ms. Uma Sarmistha

Theme: Gender and Development
Sponsors: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

Aims & Objectives: This study examined violence against women and girls in both the public and private realms, and explored its implications on the economically and socially vulnerable and marginalized communities like the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs). The Objectives of the study included:

  • Identification of institutions and practices that help in mitigating violence against women in order to inform policies that could strengthen such institutions and practices.
  • Comparing and analyzing violence in villages in four selected states(Bihar, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana) to identify the commonalities as well as differences therein.

Methodology: The research was conducted in four states on the basis of relevant socio‐economic indicators such as the crime rate, human development index, sex ratio and gender development index. This study combined both qualitative as well as survey methods. Qualitative methods mainly consisted of semi‐structured interviews and case studies, and wherever relevant and possible, Focused Group Discussions (FGDs). In addition, a quantitative component in the form of a household survey was carried out in order to capture the prevalence of violence and attitude towards it. Around 16 villages (4 from each state) were covered during the fieldwork, which included two villages in each of the two districts in a particular state.

Findings: The fieldwork across four states, compiling of data and analysis has been completed. The Report has been submitted to the sponsor. Deliverables entail two research articles.

Prof. Alakh N. Sharma

Prof. Ravi S. Srivastava
Professor and Director
Centre for Employment Studies

Dr. G.C. Manna

Dr. Sandeep Sarkar

Dr. I.C. Awasthi

Dr. Balwant Singh Mehta

Ms. Swati Dutta
Associate Fellow

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  • Violence against Women in Private Realms in India: A Study in Rural Areas of Four Selected State | View Project >>
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