Home 9 Research 9 Security and Vulnerability 9 South Asia Policy Research on Intersectional Inequalities

South Asia Policy Research on Intersectional Inequalities

Principal Researchers:
Professor Alakh N. Sharma

Theme: Security and Vulnerability
Sponsors: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Aims & Objectives: The UNDP has globally adopted a new strategic plan to help countries eradicate poverty and simultaneously reduce inequality and exclusion. A document titled ‘Humanity Divided: Confronting inequality in developing countries’ was released in January 2014 which revisited the theories on inequality, its measurement and recent trends to evaluate and design contemporary policies that could suitably combat major challenges across 15 countries.

In the Indian subcontinent, the project aimed at identifying and presenting up to 15 original perspectives on intersectional inequalities to be proposed by leading members of various think tanks in the form of high‐quality papers. These papers will expand on the issues deliberated upon in the round table on ‘Intersectional Inequality: Perspectives from South Asia’. The following actions were undertaken for this assignment titled ‘Policy and Advocacy’ by UNDP India to attain the objectives mentioned above:

Two multidisciplinary conferences were conducted to specifically categorise the main cross‐cutting issues to understand persistent inequality in the sub‐continent.

  • A common vision was prepared to develop and guide further research on analysing and addressing the challenges in eradicating intersectional inequality based on the discussion and deliberations in the conference;
  • Consequently, it was decided that 15 papers would be commissioned on the relevant issues, a comprehensive research agenda would be drawn up and the possibilities of policy advocacy would be examined.

Prof. Alakh N. Sharma

Prof. Ravi S. Srivastava
Professor and Director
Centre for Employment Studies

Dr. G.C. Manna

Dr. Sandeep Sarkar

Dr. I.C. Awasthi

Dr. Balwant Singh Mehta

Ms. Swati Dutta
Associate Fellow

  • Assessing Social Protection Provisions in Indian States using Social Protection Floor Approach | View Project >>
  • South Asia Policy Research on Intersectional Inequalities | View Project >>
  • Study on Cash Transfers for Vulnerable Children | View Project >>
  • Evaluation of Interventions to Eradicate Bonded Labour and the Socio‐economic Impact in Uttar Pradesh | View Project >>
  • Development and Tribals in India | View Project >>
  • Public Programs, Social Safety Nets and Food Security in Rural Bihar: Dimensions, Interactions and Reform Options | View Project >>
  • Preparation of Vision Document & Policy Road Map for Incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals | View Project >>
  • Framework for Vulnerability Analysis Strategy and Methodology (Instituted at IHD‐ERC) | View Project >>
  • Evaluation of Fair Price Shops in Delhi | View Project >>

Development with Global Value Chains: Upgrading and Innovation in Asia
Editors: Dev Nathan, Meenu Tewari and Sandip Sarkar
Published: 2017 by Cambridge University Press India and IHD

Growth and Inequality The Contrasting Trajectories of India and Brazil
By Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa & Maria Cristina Cacciamali & Gerry Rodgers
Published: 2017 by  Cambridge University Press India

Employment, Social Protection, and Inclusive Growth in South Asia
Edited by: Dev Nathan and Akhilesh K. Sharma, Foreword by: Alakh N. Sharma
Published: 2017 by  South Asia Press

India Employment Report 2016: Challenges and the Imperative of Manufacturing-Led Growth
By Ajit Ghose
Published: 2016 by Oxford University Press and IHD

India Labour and Employment Report 2014
Published: 2014 by Academic Foundation and  IHD